Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Americorps makes MLK day a dayon, not a day off!

Kids are out of school, some lucky folks get the day off of work. What does it mean to make Martin Luther King day a day on? Just as we spend veterans day in observance of those that have fought for America and all that it stands for, Martin Luther King's day is a time to remember his life and accomplishments and to act on his message. He spoke of a just America in which the human rights listed in the constitution were not withheld from any person, regardless of their skin color. He understood that poverty and hate were cycles that couldn't be overcome with violence. He knew that knowledge was the power to change circumstances in America. As Americorps members, our team works daily to improve the lives of people in our community through education and a hand up. We promote volunteerism and service even as we ourselves serve. This is what made King a great man; he served others even when it wasn't in his own best interest, even to the point that his life was taken from him, which he knew was a possibility every day that he pressed on.

The Cowlitz Americorps Network team will spend the morning of MLK day serving a local school and visiting nursing homes. Following this CAN in partnership with Longview Recreation will hold a diversity fair at the McClelland Arts Center (951 Delaware Ave.) featuring cultural performances, special guest speakers, as well as activities for teaching tolerance to honor the life and accomplishments of Dr King.

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